South Korea beats United Kingdom in shoot out to advance to Olympics semifinals

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CARDIFF, Aug. 4, 2012 (AMP) — London 2012 : South Korea reached the semifinals of the 2012 Olympics after defeating the United Kingdom 5-4 on penalties (after a 1-1 draw) on Saturday night.

Fixtures and Results : Second stage



United Kingdom at the Olympics

  • 2 titles (1908, 1912)
  • 8 participations in the qualifications (first in 1908)
  • Statistics: Champions (1908, 1912) Fourth Place (1948)

South Korea at the Olympics

  • 9 participations in the qualifications (first in 1948)
2012 Olympics Poster
United Kingdom
South Korea
4:5 (penalties), 1:1 (a.e.t.), 1:1 (1:1)
  • 4 August 2012
  • 19:30
  • Cardiff
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